
You are what you repeatedly do; excellence is not an act, rather a habit. ~Aristotle

Education alone is not the solution to the world’s problems. An education does not necessarily make students good. It can, in fact, make them puffed up and vain. Knowledge is power. The goal of a classical education is to form the mind and character of the pupil so that he will use the power of knowledge for good ends.

Every school has a culture which is a reflection of its leadership. We strive to form the mind and character of the student to follow the example of Jesus Christ, the hero and savior of mankind, to practice the seven cardinal virtues, and to avoid the seven deadly sins.


At Auburn Classical Academy, students and faculty start their day with this prayer:

Almighty God, Father of all mercies,
We give you thanks. Teach me to be generous and to serve You as You deserve;
to give and not to count the cost, to fight and not to heed the wounds
to toil and not to seek for rest, to labor and not to ask for reward
save that of knowing I am doing Your will. Through Christ Our Lord,

And end their day with this prayer:

We give You thanks, merciful God, for the
instruction and direction which we have
received. Grant us Your grace, that we may
remember this lesson and carry it into action,
for Your glory and our eternal salvation.
Through Christ our Lord.

Our Code of Conduct centers around the word HONOR – we want to collectively honor God, and honor each other, as well as the facility we use. Students (and adults) are expected to:

• Honor all adults at all times, by speaking and acting respectfully and obeying cheerfully and immediately.
• Honor each other in words and actions, treating each other with kindness, purity, respect, and using words that build each other up.
• Maintain an absolute standard of honesty and integrity, academically and otherwise.
• Exhibit modesty in work, appearance, words and deeds.
• Act appropriately on school grounds – follow rules for building use and restrictions, exhibit self-control, and work diligently.
• Abstain from any intimate sexual conduct.

Code of Conduct

ACA assists parents primarily in the academic education of their children. Parents are principally responsible for their children’s conduct; they are God’s agents of discipline. Basic manners, morality and social graces must be taught at home. Teachers and staff will seek to reinforce these, but will not be responsible for teaching them. Likewise, discipline is properly executed by parents, although staff may exercise minor correction and discipline when necessary during school hours. Standards of behavior used throughout the school are scriptural-based and made with reference to the example of Christ.

1. We cheerfully and promptly obey the authority under which we are placed.
2. We can appeal respectfully and courteously. We do not argue or negotiate.
3. We love and honor one another.
4. We give encouragement to each other.
5. We do not point out the shortcomings of others in order to build ourselves up.
6. We tell the truth.
7. We do not disrespect the classroom and teacher by passing notes or otherwise interrupting.
8. We do not spread rumors or gossip.
9. We will not make excuses for our wrong actions but will admit them.
10. We avoid cliques, clubs, or games that exclude others.
11. When others are sorry, we forgive them.
12. When others are sad, we comfort them.
13. When we have work to do, we do it without complaining.
14. If we make a mess, we clean it up.
15. We treat one another with respect and patience.

ACA Pillars

• Have reverence for God and obey His commandments. (Ecclesiastes 12:13)
• Honor others above yourself. (Romans 12:10)
• Do your work as unto the Lord. (Colossians 3:23-24)
• Do everything without complaining or grumbling. (Philippians 2:14-15)
• Encourage one another and build each other up. (1 Thessalonians 5:11)

ACA reserves the right to discipline or ask a student or family to withdraw for any reason. Failure to comply with expected standards of conduct will be subject to potential disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion or dismissal.